lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

24 h World Race Endurance 2013

NSR World Race Endurance 24h 2013 - Technical rules / Iscription

NSR is glad to announce the 4th edition of the  WRE 24h

6 Tracks and 48 Teams for the biggest slotcar competition in the World

Starting from this current year the subscription to the WRE 24h it will be allowed only through NSR website.

Starting from 10.00 a.m. of monday the 18th of February, if you look in our website and in the WRE 24h dedicated section, you will find the specific form to be filled up and returned for race subscription.

The race subscription has to be returned within the 15th of March.

Since NSR it’s conscious of the expencives the foreing Teams will have to face to come to take part to the Race, we have decided to pay ourselves Hotel for Friday night to all the non Italian Teams, or we give for free 250eur of NSR products. (please send email including list of parts you need) For this purpose we need to know names, numbers of participants for each Team; please send all details ASAP.

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